domingo, 11 de diciembre de 2011

Documentación muy interesante.
Me han llegado por correo 3 documentos de lo más interesante: el primero un contrato de una maestra allá por el año 1923 (increíble), el segundo una nómina de Franco,y por último una octavilla en contra del Estatut.
1er documento contrato de maestra 1923
2º documento la última nómina de franco
3er documento octavilla

2 comentarios:

  1. Felix, ¿crees que el contrato es real? A mi me parece una versión actual de un contrato de la época, pero no que sea el original. El año pasado para el trabajo de vida de Miquel Ortells tuve en mis manos muchos documentos de principios de siglo y su aspecto era diferente. Es mi pequeña opinión.

  2. gracias por el comentario Mireia. Tengo que decir que al principio me sonaba a cuento chino. Así que comprobé que existian una reseñas en ABC (que supongo dan cuenta de que sean fidedignos. Pero tras tu observación he buscado otra vez y solo he encontrado como oficial la nómina de franco. El de la maestra sin ser falso , esta parcialmente falseado ya que corresponde a una traduccion literal de un contrato de la provincia canadiense de New Brunswick.

    1923 Teacher's Contract

    This is an agreement between a Miss Jones, teacher and the Board of Education of Middleton School, whereby Miss Jones agrees to teach in the Middleton School for a period of eight months beginning September 1, 1923. The board of Education agrees to pay Miss Jones the sum of $75.00 per month. Miss Jones agrees:

    1. Not to get married. This contract becomes null and void immediately if the teacher marries.

    2. Not to keep company with men.

    3. To be at home between the hours of 8 p.m. and 6 a.m. unless she is in attendance at a school function.

    4. Not to loiter downtown in ice-cream parlors.

    5. Not to leave town at any time without the permission of the Chairman of the Board of Trustees.

    6. Not to smoke cigarettes. This contract becomes null and void immediately if the teacher is found smoking.

    7. Not to drink beer, wine, whiskey. This contract becomes null and void immediately if the teacher is found drinking beer, wine or whiskey.

    8. Not to ride in a carriage or automobile with any man except her brothers or father.

    9. Not to dress in bright clothes.

    10. Not to dye her hair.

    11. To wear at least two petticoats.

    12. Not to wear dresses more than two inches above the ankle.

    13. To keep the schoolroom clean; to sweep the classroom floor, to scrub the floor at least once a week with soap and hot water, clean blackboards daily; start the stove at 7 a.m. so that the room will be warm by 8 a.m. when the children arrive; to carry out the ashes at least once a day.

    14. Not to use face powder, mascara or paint the lips.

    *Extracted from the New Brunswick Teachers' Association Newsletter, March 1995. Reproduced with permission of the New Brunswick Teachers' Association.
